The Atelier Delphine Woman: Joomee Song

Learn about Joomee and her story.

Joomee Song is a Japanese-born, Los Angeles-based aesthetician / Face Architect and the creator of KAIKA™, a revolutionary facial massage.

Hollywood stars refer to Joomee as "The Top Facialist in The World" due to her vastly different approach to the skin and ability to change one's face. Joomee works on the faces of billion-dollar campaigns for Dior, Estee Lauder, Lancome, YSL and many other beauty brands. Working deep in the facial muscles, Joomee holds the secret key to unlock the potential that every face offers. She is certified in Kobido, Japanese Facial Symmetry Methods, Advanced Scar and Keloid Camouflage in Cosmetic Pigmentation, and more than 30 European and American facial treatments. Since founding Faceworks Inc. in 2017, Joomee combines two decades of working with clients of all skin types intimately and an intuitive approach to healing the skin to design curated facials for her clients.

Her love affair with the health of skin began as a child while watching her grandmother in Kyoto, Japan perform her daily facial massage rituals. She began her formal training at leading medical and luxury spas in Japan and the United States, and worked as a makeup artist for a number of years.

We originally met in 2006 after I first moved to LA from Japan, through my husband Yoshihiro Makino. Joomee had just moved back to LA and was a working makeup artist back then, while I was a student at FIDM. We found out that we went to the college next to each other in Kobe, Japan - which made us feel an instant close connection. Over the years she has built a large Atelier Delphine wardrobe, and has been one of the biggest supporters of the brand, with her youngest daughter Soleil even modeling for our special Kids Collection for Autumn/Winter 2021.

I am excited to share a little bit of her story: a snippet of our conversation below, with photos taken in her salon and at home with her daughters. Joomee wears styles from our Core, Seasonal, and special Archival Collections. Her daughters wear styles from our Seasonal and Archival Collections.

Atelier Delphine: Can you tell us a bit about your background, and when / how you wound up in LA?

Joomee Song: I am a fourth-generation Korean, born and raised in Japan. My family moved from Kyoto to Kobe when my mom was pregnant with me. I originally come from a family of five; dad and mom and two older siblings but unfortunately we lost one of our brothers. I was very much a tomboy as a kid, always wore pants and had short hair. I remember being somewhat uncomfortable with the feminine characteristics I inherited from my parents; such as pale skin, dark silky hair, and full lips.

I moved to New York in April 1998, shortly after graduating from a junior college in Japan. I attended a language school in mid-city, Manhattan for 6 months or so, and then I decided to come to Los Angeles to pursue my dream of becoming a makeup artist.

AD: Did you always dream about becoming a beauty expert since you were little?

JS: I discovered that there was something that gave me such joy when I helped pluck my friends’ eyebrows in middle school. But back then I didn’t know if I could even earn money for making people feel beautiful with my touch. That was also when the nineties supermodels were dominating every magazine cover. I was mesmerized by the different types of beauty among them, unlike everyone who looked the same where I grew up. That’s when I connected the two dots; becoming a makeup artist and working in America. I didn’t have any relatives or friends in the US. I had never even visited and barely spoke English, but I knew I had to bring myself here to pursue my dream.

AD: KAIKA™ massage is your creation - a sculpting technique that perfectly mixes a lot of techniques from all over the world. To me, it's like who you are - crossing borders in countries, Intuitive, feeling yourself, knowing yourself, being mindful - you've made me believe my hands are also be my mind and a face is much more than just a face. Intuition is definitely a key factor in this technique but you produce quality results that is beyond words. How you describe KAIKA™?

JS: My goal is to demonstrate how facial massage can transform the skin's texture and improve the overall health of one's skin without using harsh chemicals or invasive cosmetic procedures. You can contour your own face using the KAIKA facial sculpting massage technique. It stems from an ancient eastern form of deep facial massage to lift, tone, and detoxify; a chiropractic Shiatsu technique that realigns facial structure.

Immediately, the tension in the facial muscles is released, resulting in an improved skin tone, more sculpted features, and an overall energized feeling. Over time, collagen and elastin in the connective tissue are rebuilt to smooth away fine lines and wrinkles and radically improve skin texture and elasticity. Everything that many of us struggle to achieve using so many products and procedures, you can get by using your own hands.

AD: What is it you like to embrace about your clients and your connection with them?

JS: As you may see in any of my previous articles/interviews, I never talk about my clients simply because of their occupation. I have taken the time to build a unique connection with each one of my clients and embrace the relationship that I have with every one of them.

AD's note: Joomee has worked with Lady Gaga, Zendaya, Greta Lee, Sydney Sweeney, and more!

AD: You have always lived your life very genuinely and authentically. You have been a super-girlfriend to me, a super-mom to your 2 girls (pictured on the right), and a super- aesthetician to all your A-List clients. What drives you and what is your inspiration? Any rituals, any philosophy?

JS: Thank you. What drives and inspires me foremost is that I am humbled by the opportunities I experience because of my innate ability to perform with my hands/fingers and the work ethic I have received from the universe.

I do not take it for granted how fortunate I am to stand where I am today. By losing my beloved brother at such a young age, I see the miracles we get to experience every day.

AD: Let’s dive into your home life, and chat with your daughters! Raising 2 girls as a single mother and breadwinner, you always remain so calm and strong despite the hardships. How have you learnt the strength you have now?

JS: Raising two girls (Venice, 15, and Soleil, 8) in LA certainly has challenges especially because I didn’t grow up here. There are so many things that I learn every day from my older daughter as she experiences growing up here and she has been very patient and understanding. I embrace my role as a business owner and a single mom in a city such as LA where I am surrounded by many other badass moms who go through similar struggles but rise to the occasion!

AD: Hi Venice! What do you see in your mom?

Venice: In my mother I see an innovative yet straightforward woman who has diligently worked to achieve her goals. I love her for everything she's done for me and how supportive she is in every decision I make.

AD: What are your weekends together like? Do you like to talk over dinner, or right after school?

V: We usually spend weekends walking around in shopping malls or spontaneously trying new lunch spots. After school / work everyone in the house is typically preoccupied with their own thing, so we sort of branch off to take care of our own respective business, but dinner is where we come together, enjoy each other's company, and tell each other about how our days went.

AD: What are your dreams and goals after high school - anything you feel particularly passionate and excited about?  

V: After high school I'm leaning toward going into the film industry. As a creative, I've always been fascinated by the craft of making movies and it's the only line of work I've ever been drawn to. I'm passionate about finding a job where I can really enjoy myself and surround myself with a community of like-minded artists, and I feel that the film industry would be exactly that. 

AD: Hi Soleil! What’s your favorite thing to do with your mom?

Soleil: Going to amusement parks together - my favorite was Universal Studios in Osaka!

AD: Anything you would like to say about your mom?

S: My mom is great! 

AD: I am always very excited to see you (and your daughters!) in AD clothing, and inspires me. Can you share your thoughts about our clothing and our philosophy - what resonates with you?

JS: I adore AD clothing because it almost becomes part of your body when you wear it. I love that it is effortless, super stylish, and flows with the movement of my body. Often “cool” clothing feels confining or needs a lot of attention when you wear it, but AD is the opposite of that.

AD: Lastly, are there any events, release dates, special announcements, in your life that readers will be excited to learn?

JS: I am participating in a very exciting event with Estee Lauder in September at Stanford University and then Harrods in London in October! More details will follow on my Instagram!